Sunday, 26 August 2012


We saw the specialist nurse, but she didn't weigh my friend so we don't know whether she has put on any weight and she is too concerned to try the scales at home. There was one concern as she may have to have a blood transfusion due to her blood count being low, but we are waiting until the next blood test 30th August in the hope that this won't be necessary.

My friend was put back on the steroids that help her to eat, because as soon as she stopped taking them her appetite started to fade. Now she is back eating fairly well, but not such large portions.

This week 24th August she has had a week off from chemotherapy, much to her delight, but unfortunately she is back next week and then another two weeks of chemotherapy before  a C.T. scan. The scan will show whether the chemo has had any effect. If it has then the chemo will probably continue. If there hasn't been a change or the cancer has got worse then my friend has said that she will not continue.

Today 26th August, my friend has felt quite good and managed to do more than she has for some time. Only little things, but things non the less.

Looking back over the past few months we are in a better place now than we were, but we still take each day as it comes as tomorrow could be very different.

Sunday, 12 August 2012


Another two weeks down the line and another two chemotherapy sessions behind us. Since seeing the specialist nurse two weeks ago my friend has improved still further on the eating front.

Now fancying all sorts of things,(some of which in the past she has hated and wouldn't even try), she is now eating close to normal size portions of food and has been  for about 10 days. 

Unfortunately there doesn't seem to be much improvement in her weight and she still looks painfully thin, however she is seeing the specialist nurse again next Friday 17th August and she will be weighed again, so we will see.

Still gets very tired and even with food still can not do very much. What little she does manage quickly exhausts her and she has to sit down. She is in bed by 6 pm and doesn't normally get up until 10am the following day.

Still we mustn't grumble, we are better off now than we were a month ago!