Monday, 4 June 2012


My friend spent the next eight days in hospital undergoing various tests to find out what was causing the jaundice. X-rays, ultra sound and CT scans took place over a period of days. Fluid intake and urine output were monitored for fear of kidney failure. But despite all this and being yellow she seemed relatively well.

She was able to walk down to the hospital paper shop each morning to buy a newspaper, she met me in the hospital coffee shop at visiting time, she could shower and was eating although small amounts.

After 7 days we had a meeting with the registrar, a specialist nurse and a ward nurse to discuss the results of the tests and where to go from here. The registrar told us that he was 95% sure that it was pancreatic cancer, but would not commit himself 100% until an Endoscopy took place.

This didn't come as a shock as my friend and I had discussed this fact and I had carried out some extensive research on line and everything pointed in that direction. It didn't really need a doctor to tell us this fact.

So what next? A permanent drain would have to be fitted in order to remove the excess of bile causing the jaundice and continue to remove the bile so that the jaundice did not return. Only when this was fitted would my friend be allowed home. The following day the drain was fitted with a very unattractive bag attached. The bag has to be carried over the shoulder, like a shoulder bag, not the best designer wear.

After 24 hrs of the drain being fitted my friend returned home to await the Endoscopy appointment.

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