Sunday, 24 June 2012


My friend came home from hospital on 16th June. She was sent home with loads of medication for pain and stopping the sickness, so in theory we should be able to cater for any eventuality.

She has good and bad days and her eating still isn't very good, but at least now she does eat. I still have to do everything for her, although she now has a shower seat, so can manage to shower on her own with me hovering outside. She does however still need help with drying and getting dressed.

On Thursday 21st June, we went to see the Oncologist. He told my friend that in his opinion she had made the right decision by not having the operation to remove the tumour, as the probability was that once opened up it wouldn't be suitable for removal anyway. 

He also said that even though she had not had a biopsy, from the results he had seen he was quite happy to proceed with chemotherapy as he was 99.99% certain that it is Pancreatic Cancer.

Tomorrow 25th June we are going to see the chemotherapy suite at the hospital and meet the nurses. My friend will then be given times and dates for her treatment. She has been told that even with the chemotherapy  treatment, her life will probably only be extended by a couple of months.

I don't think I would put myself through all that for a couple of months, but I guess until it happens to you, you can't really say. I think she is very brave!

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